The submission period has ended
Calling all photography enthusiasts! Let's make this year's exhibition an unforgettable experience that will stay with you for years to come! With an incredible array of talented photographers showcasing their unique perspectives, this event will take place at Hellenic American Union Greece,Athens,Massalias 22, in Gallery John Kennedy!Magnum photographer Bruce Davidson,Marie wilson,Nan Goldin e.t.c have presented their work at HAU cultural Org. GalleriesIinternational artists will be bart of the biggest photography event!
Galleries ''John f. Kennedy''
and ''Chatzikyriakos Gikas''

Get ready to be captivated by a diverse collection of stunning photographs! Our team is carefully curating the exhibition to showcase the very best in photography, and we're thrilled to announce that it will be featured in the prestigious Gallery of Hellenic American Union. You won't want to miss this captivating display of art!
submit you photos
The Annual Exhibition is a great opportunity for photographers to showcase their work to a wider audience and to connect with other artists and photography enthusiasts. We look forward to seeing your submissions and to showcasing the best photographs from around the world.
Thank you for visiting Moments Collective. We hope you enjoy exploring the work of our photographers and that you find inspiration in their stories.

We at Moments Collective are proud to have Fujifilm Hellas as our partner and sponsor for our Annual Photography exhibition. We are confident that our collaboration will help us create a truly exceptional event for all to enjoy. As a renowned global brand, Fujifilm is well known for its exceptional quality and innovative products in the world of photography. They have been leading the industry for decades and continue to push boundaries with cutting-edge technology and unparalleled expertise.

CONTEST GUIDELINES-open theme 2024
Participating in the photo contest is free, and photographers can submit up to 4 entries Via Mail or Wetransfer. Both amateur and professional photographers over 18 years old are eligible. Over 200 printed photos will be displayed during the exhibition, and be part of our Annual Magazine!
Please note that if you are chosen to participate, you will receive an email from Moments Collective.
Moments Collective's exhibition will run for 3 weeks :​
3-23 June 2024 at Gallery ''John Kennedy Hellenic American Union'', Massalias 22 , Athens Greece, Kolonaki.
The exhibited photos will be printed on 260 gsm paper, then framed 40x60 and hung.
Moments Collective will be responsible for the press releases, invitations, opening night, and supervision.
The work of the artists/photographers that will be featured in the exhibition will also be included in the Moments Collective Annual Magazine.
After the conclusion of the Moments Collective Annual Exhibition, participants will receive via email a "Certificate of Participation".
Winners Category at Moments Collective.com Section
Announcements by our Partners, Press and Our International Community
DEADLINE: 28 February 2024
*At the end of an exhibition, any artists who wish to receive their printed photograph for FREE (without the frame) may contact Moments Collective to arrange for pickup from the location of the exhibition or shipping (shipping charges will be the responsibility of the artist). Please note that any requests for printed photographs must be made within 7 days of the end of the exhibition.
*For the "Moments Collective Official Members (MCOM)" and Premium (VIP) Members:
The Moments Collective Official Members (MCOM) and Premium (VIP) Members are preselected.

Only digital submissions are accepted, with each image file in RGB JPG format, best quality for print e.g. 7952X5304 or smaller (it depends your camera megapixels) pixels on the longest side at 300 dpi.
File names should be formatted as follows:
lastname-firstname1.jpg, lastname-firstname2.jpg, etc​
Title of the Email:
e.g. "Moments Collective Annual Exhibition"
Body of the Email:
Papadopoulos Georgios - Greece
To submit photos for the contest:
1. Send an E-mail:
Title of the Email: The title of the contest you want to submit photographs for e.g. "Moments Collective Annual Exhibition"
*For Moments Collective Official Members (MCOM): Write before MCOM.
e.g. "MCOM - Moments Collective Annual Exhibition"
Body of the Email:
Your name and your country of origin.
e.g. "Papadopoulos Georgios - Greece"
2. Attach the photographs and sent the Email to: momentscollectivemag@gmail.com
Regarding your submitted photos you agree to the Terms & Conditions. Please read them here.

@Hellenic American Union Gallery