Stavros Makridis was born in Thessaloniki Greece, in 1983. After finishing his studies in Sound Engineering, he started writing songs and as a result composed and recorded more than 400 songs and instrumentals. He has participated in the 9th International Video Poetry Festival with his short film "Circle". He has been involved in theatre, television, painting and radio as well. He has worked as a music teacher in a creative Employment Center for people with Special Needs. As an author/poet he has published 10 books of poetry and short stories.

@Stavros Makridis
Ηe has been taking part in contests, festivals and exhibitions with his art, receiving acclaim and awards, such as the 1st award in the surrealistic photography competition of the Hellenic Photographic Society (2022), the 1st award in photography competition of the Cyclops company (2023) and the 2nd award in ''U Write'' poetry competition (2023). He is a multi-instrumentalist. Now he is studying Byzantine music and practicing playing
Pontiac lyre.
What inspired you to pursue photography alongside your already diverse artistic endeavors?
Having watched an interview with Lena Platonos, where she mentioned that when an artist engages with multiple art forms, there's a chance to uncover more facets of oneself, I just woke up one morning and decided, 'I'm going to pursue photography.
@Stavros Makridis Premium Member
Can you share a pivotal moment in your photography journey that significantly influenced your style?
When I dropped my camera by mistake but it wasn't damaged, I realized that I want to keep taking pictures in a fun and easygoing way, like how a child seriously plays and sometimes breaks their toys.

@Stavros Makridis Premium Member

Meet Our Supporter Hellenic American Union Org.
How do you believe your experience as a musician and sound engineer has impacted your approach to photography?
Music weaves through the fabric of most of our lives in various forms. Undoubtedly, when I'm engaged in a photoshoot at the studio, I make it a point to select music that resonates with clarity and fosters a collaborative atmosphere between myself and the model. It's through this process that a unique soundtrack for each project is crafted, setting the tone and enhancing the creative experience.

@Stavros Makridis Premium Member
Could you describe the concept or story behind the photograph that won you the first prize from the Greek Photographic Society in 2022?
Receiving this award holds little significance for me personally. At the time, I was exploring the intricacies of Photoshop, and I ended up replicating the steps from a tutorial to tailor it to my photograph. The result lacks a unique personal touch—it's purely a product of technical editing. Yet, despite this, there's a part of me that can't help but feel a sense of joy for the recognition.

@Stavros Makridis Premium Member
How do you manage to balance your time between so many artistic disciplines?
I consider myself fortunate as the paths I've taken have allowed me to sustain myself with earnings independent of my art. This grants me the luxury of ample time to pursue my passions. In truth, I diversify my efforts across various interests, which bestows the delightful benefit of never succumbing to boredom easily.

@Stavros Makridis Premium Member

Meet Our Grand Sponsor Fujifim Hellas
What is your process for selecting the subject matter for your photography projects?
I don't adhere to a particular process. I function entirely on impulse and improvise every single time.

@Stavros Makridis Premium Member
In what ways has studying Byzantine music and playing the Pontic lyre influenced your photographic work, if at all?
I cannot claim to be directly influenced by the study itself; however, the impact of my teachers in Byzantine music and Pontic Lyra extends beyond their instruction. Unknowingly, they shape my worldview, which in turn subtly informs my approach to photography.

Meet our Partner Vault Theatre Plus
Can you tell us about a particularly memorable photography project you have undertaken and what made it special for you?
My photography experience at the Nadir winery, capturing the essence of its wines, was transformative. Collaborating with an individual who was strikingly distinctive and refreshingly unique shifted my perspective, grounding me in a renewed sense of reality about my self-conception. The partnership unfolded seamlessly and was nothing short of exceptional
@Stavros Makridis Premium Member
How do you think your experience working with individuals with special needs has affected your perspective as a photographer?
Respect for human diversity is a value I've cultivated and continue to nurture within. It's evident that individuals have varying needs, a fact that becomes all the more apparent in life's grand school—the world around us. The enriching experience of traveling to lands with distinct cultures, traditions, and faiths has greatly contributed to my understanding. I've been privileged enough to witness this mosaic of humanity firsthand. If we consider that each stimulus we encounter shapes our temperament, and that our temperament, in turn, manifests itself in myriad ways, then it is possible that this diversity is subtly reflected in my photography.

@Stavros Makridis Premium Member

What advice would you give to aspiring photographers who are looking to develop a unique voice in their work?
Aesthetic perception is deeply personal. There are no incorrect photographs, only varying expressions of vision. Dare to experiment and forge your unique style. Achieving a signature in your work, where someone can view a photograph and instantly recognize it as yours, is a truly remarkable feat. I myself am still on a journey, continually learning and growing in this art form.

@Stavros Makridis Premium Member

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Stavros Makridis
Moments Collective Premium (Vip) Member:

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